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Margaret Ellis

Love you guys and believe she waited for your return.

Jean Bush Guerin

So sorry to know of your sadness., Anado and Richard.


Awe. What a sweet girl. Such sadness to loose her. Such comfort to always have her. Blessings be to you.


Love to you.

Helen Shafer Garcia

I'm sorry very sorry for your loss Anado....I was one of the instructors on the tour yesterday....I remember seeing your beloved dog walking up towards our heart aches for you

Eleanor Martinez

I am so sorry. These loving creatures do not live long enough, and it's hard to be the one left behind. Dogs have been part io my life for 70+ years now and seeing one pass on never gets any easier. But the joy they bring and the love they share with us lives on in us forever so, in that sense, they live on in us, too. All the best to all of you.

Donnie Simeone

She is a Beauty...and so lovedā£


You know that death is an illusion Anado and she will find you again
But yet we believe the illusion of separation and that is why we cry.
And that is the expression of love, true love

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