I keep hearing about these man buns that the hipsters have added to their beards......I can not imagine anyone under fifty realizing what we older gentlemen went through fifty years ago...what a calamity it was to our elders....now we are the elders and all I can do is give a big ho-hum to the youngsters in the Super Mall of America that was once known as Manhattan...strutting there stuff to a digitally enhanced Google-ly derived same old story...am I forgetting Compassion?...Probably......everyone must Wang Chung their lives however they see fit.....most of us hippies were only copying the pioneers in the Haight and East Village......I mean..what can I say...I arrived in the Haight in the Summer of Love from Oklahoma because I read the news one day, oh boy.....I consider myself lucky to have been born in that era......and these kids are so lucky today to have their imaginations enhanced by keyboards pushing around some x's and o's......we are all both sides of the same coin......